Holiday Lighting FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Edison Holiday Lighting

"How much does it cost to get an estimate?”

There is no cost at all. It is free.

“Do I have to pay for my lights all at once?”

Not at all. We break it up for your convenience. We ask for a 50% deposit, 25% due at installation, and the balance due at takedown.

“What is included in the price?”

The price includes the holiday lights for the season, the installation, any maintenance work that is needed on the lighting from Thanksgiving to Christmas, and the labor to tear the lights down.

“Can I use my lights?”

No. We use commercial-grade LED lights. We can only offer warranty and service on the lights we install.

“What colors do you offer?”

We offer warm white, green, red, blue and multi-color. Since your roofline is custom made for your home, we can offer any combination of colors as well.

“What if I have a bulb out?”

Call or message us at 330-961-5147 and let us know! Any maintenance work is done free of charge. We provide service calls from Thanksgiving to Christmas at your request (Limited to one service call per week).

“Do you automatically put my lights up next year?”

We make sure to get the go-ahead first. We start calling our customers at the end of the summer to see if you have any changes or additions to your lights for the next season.

“When do you take down my decorations?”

Starting the first week of January, we work earnestly to remove holiday lighting. The weather could play a factor in the take-down timeframes.

Interested in our services or have additional questions?
Call : 234-759-3096